Supergood! Bakery Supergood! Bakery Flippin' Lovely Pancake Mix 200g
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Supergood! Bakery Flippin' Lovely Pancake Mix 200g
Makes 15 pancakes.
5mins prep / 10mins cook
Pancakes are for life - not just for breakfast.
Which is why we made this easy-peasy lemon-squeezy (or maple-drizzly if that’s more your thing…) pancake mix. So whether you’re craving brunch or a midnight feast, just whip up the mix, pop them in a pan and we guarantee they’ll be gone like, well… hot cakes.
Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free & Vegan-Friendly
Other Info
- Ingredients Flour blend (chickpea flour, tapioca flour, brown rice flour, buckwheat flour), unrefined cane sugar, gluten-free baking powder (monocalcium phosphate, corn starch, sodium bicarbonate), cinnamon (2%).
- Allergens